Anne's PTP Fundraiser

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$0 raised
of $500 goal​
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since November 1st, 2023

Anne’s PTP Fundraiser

$0 of $500 raised

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Pledge The Pink Donation

Anne’s PTP Fundraiser

Donation Total: $25.00 One Time

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My Story

I was diagnosed with Invasive Ductal Carcinoma in October of 2022. Fortunately, because of the pioneering efforts, medical breakthroughs, ongoing research and tireless fundraising prior to my personal diagnosis, my cancer was caught very early through a routine 3D mammogram. I underwent a lumpectomy in November 2022 and 5 intensive radiation treatments in January 2023. My cancer journey and treatment were very specific to me and my type of cancer. I attribute these amazing advancements to the researchers, doctors, nurses, technicians, caregivers, and all the cancer warriors who came before me. I cannot thank you enough for your knowledge, care, and sacrifice.

I will walk 30 miles in 3 days in honor of those who dedicate their lives to caring for people who have cancer, to those who live every day with this disease, and for those we have lost to it.
0% funded
0% raised so far
$0 raised
of $500 goal​
0 donations made
since November 1st, 2023

Anne’s PTP Fundraiser

$0 of $500 raised

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How it works: A Stripe window will open after you click the Donate Now button where you can securely make your donation. You will then be brought back to this page to view your receipt.

Pledge The Pink Donation

Anne’s PTP Fundraiser

Donation Total: $25.00 One Time

Anne DeYoung
Johns Creek, GA, United States
Page Created:
August 25, 2024
Page Short Link:

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