71% funded
0% raised so far
$2,125 raised
of $3,000 goal​
7 donations made
since November 1st, 2023


$2,125 of $3,000 raised

Please enter or select your donation amount:


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This can be a one-time donation or a recurring gift. If you choose to make a recurring donation, you can cancel at any time.

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Donate quickly and securely with Stripe

How it works: A Stripe window will open after you click the Donate Now button where you can securely make your donation. You will then be brought back to this page to view your receipt.

Pledge The Pink Donation


Donation Total: $25.00 One Time

Recent Donations

Catherine Eisenmenger $200.00
August 30, 2024

This Donation is from Jen and Bob Wolfe @ Whisper Creek Spa

Catherine Eisenmenger $100.00
August 29, 2024

This donation is from Chris & Janet Eisenmenger

Jason Hoover $25.00
August 28, 2024

Keep pushing forward.

Adrienne Osborn $50.00
August 28, 2024

Help Catherine by sharing this page on your social media:

Did you know that $100 funds a mammogram?

Which means that every 100 dollars you donate could save a life.

We recognize these heroic donations by placing a plastic pink flamingo in our annual Flocks of Love display. Each bird represents $100 raised in the fight against breast cancer.

My Team

Check out my fundraising team: Ta Ta Sisterhood

71% funded
0% raised so far
$2,125 raised
of $3,000 goal​
7 donations made
since November 1st, 2023


$2,125 of $3,000 raised

Please enter or select your donation amount:


Select your donation frequency:

This can be a one-time donation or a recurring gift. If you choose to make a recurring donation, you can cancel at any time.

Select Payment Method
Personal Info

Billing Details

Donate quickly and securely with Stripe

How it works: A Stripe window will open after you click the Donate Now button where you can securely make your donation. You will then be brought back to this page to view your receipt.

Pledge The Pink Donation


Donation Total: $25.00 One Time

Catherine Eisenmenger
Bluffton, SC, United States
Page Created:
November 4, 2019
Page Short Link:

Recent Donations

Catherine Eisenmenger $200.00
August 30, 2024

This Donation is from Jen and Bob Wolfe @ Whisper Creek Spa

Catherine Eisenmenger $100.00
August 29, 2024

This donation is from Chris & Janet Eisenmenger

Jason Hoover $25.00
August 28, 2024

Keep pushing forward.

Adrienne Osborn $50.00
August 28, 2024

Help Catherine by sharing this page on your social media: