Warrior Wendy is Pledging the Pink Again

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since November 1st, 2024
Warrior Wendy is Pledging the Pink Again
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gina smith
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My Story
In October 2015 I started to experience an abnormal feeling in my breasts. I was getting what felt like cold chills with a rush of discomfort to the front of my breasts. I was so busy at work I did not have time to address it immediately. Sometime in November I went to see my nurse practitioner for an unrelated reason, and while I was there I asked for an order to get a mammogram. Towards the end of December I finally called and made an appointment. By this point I was no longer having the sensation I was experiencing back in October, but since I was 39 I figured I would go ahead and go. The day of my appointment, Friday, 1/15/16, was very stormy and gloomy. I very seriously thought about not going and just cuddling up on the couch vegging out. Life had been pretty intense, hectic and wearing, and I was feeling pretty overwhelmed emotionally. In addition to coming out of a very busy and stressful season at work, my dad had been battling stage 4 lung cancer for 10 weeks, and he wasn’t doing very well. But I went.
After loosing his battle to cancer and laying my dad to rest, I returned home to a letter regarding my mammogram results. They needed more information so they requested I come in for a diagnostic mammogram.
A few days before my 2/15/16 diagnostic mammogram, I told my family about my results and follow up appointment. Understandably, fear was only one of the many, many feelings they experienced. The mammogram led to an ultrasound, and the ultrasound led to making another appointment for a biopsy of two lumps found in the left breast. On 2/18/16, only a month after my dad had passed, I had my biopsy. On 2/22/16, my gut feeling was confirmed, I had breast cancer.
After having my lumpectomy and lymph node biopsy surgery in 3/24/16, I woke up repeatedly asking what were the results of the biopsy. My biopsy was clear, the cancer had not spread, and I was confirmed as only being in stage 1a. Thank God! That feeling of relief is indescribable.
I was very fortunate to not need chemotherapy, but I did require radiation and hormonal therapy. My radiation therapy was rough from day 1. I started to burn on day 1. Usually one does not begin to burn until week 3 or 4. But nope, not me. Day 1. My Radiation Oncologist said he only had one other patient to burn as bad as I in his 8 year career. It got pretty damn bad. I was burnt, and I was exhausted for the better part of 10 to 12 weeks. But, I did it. A month or two later I began my 10 years of hormonal therapy, Tamoxifen. Now while the medical community will not consider me a survivor until I complete my hormonal therapy, I have considered myself a SURVIVOR since completing radiation, 6/24/16.
I almost didn’t go to my mammogram, but I sure as heck am grateful I did. I encourage everyone to LISTEN TO YOUR BODY!!!
Early detection is key to survival!!!
Love, Warrior Wendy, Two Time Cancer Survivor
After loosing his battle to cancer and laying my dad to rest, I returned home to a letter regarding my mammogram results. They needed more information so they requested I come in for a diagnostic mammogram.
A few days before my 2/15/16 diagnostic mammogram, I told my family about my results and follow up appointment. Understandably, fear was only one of the many, many feelings they experienced. The mammogram led to an ultrasound, and the ultrasound led to making another appointment for a biopsy of two lumps found in the left breast. On 2/18/16, only a month after my dad had passed, I had my biopsy. On 2/22/16, my gut feeling was confirmed, I had breast cancer.
After having my lumpectomy and lymph node biopsy surgery in 3/24/16, I woke up repeatedly asking what were the results of the biopsy. My biopsy was clear, the cancer had not spread, and I was confirmed as only being in stage 1a. Thank God! That feeling of relief is indescribable.
I was very fortunate to not need chemotherapy, but I did require radiation and hormonal therapy. My radiation therapy was rough from day 1. I started to burn on day 1. Usually one does not begin to burn until week 3 or 4. But nope, not me. Day 1. My Radiation Oncologist said he only had one other patient to burn as bad as I in his 8 year career. It got pretty damn bad. I was burnt, and I was exhausted for the better part of 10 to 12 weeks. But, I did it. A month or two later I began my 10 years of hormonal therapy, Tamoxifen. Now while the medical community will not consider me a survivor until I complete my hormonal therapy, I have considered myself a SURVIVOR since completing radiation, 6/24/16.
I almost didn’t go to my mammogram, but I sure as heck am grateful I did. I encourage everyone to LISTEN TO YOUR BODY!!!
Early detection is key to survival!!!
Love, Warrior Wendy, Two Time Cancer Survivor

0% funded
0% raised so far
$0 raised
of $5,000 goal​
of $5,000 goal​
0 donations made
since November 1st, 2024
since November 1st, 2024
Warrior Wendy is Pledging the Pink Again
$0 of $5,000 raised

Wendy Harbage
Marietta, GA, United States
Marietta, GA, United States
Page Created:
June 23, 2019
June 23, 2019
Page Short Link:
Recent Donations
April 3, 2021
March 2, 2021
gina smith
February 3, 2021
Pampered Chef
January 26, 2021