Refund Policy

Pledge the Pink Foundation Donation Refund Policy

Pledge the Pink Foundation is grateful for your donation and support of our mission. Pledge the Pink Foundation’s budget and ongoing financial health are reliant on accounting for and accepting irrevocable, non-refundable donations from the public. Consequently, Pledge the Pink Foundation considers all donations to be nonrefundable. However, Pledge the Pink Foundation may consider returning donations to the donor in limited circumstances. If you have made an error in making your donation or changed your mind about contributing to our organization, please contact us via email at Pledge the Pink Foundation will only give consideration to your request, depending upon the circumstances, and only if such request is made within ninety (30) days of the original donation. Refunds are returned using the original method of payment. For example, if you made your donation by credit card, your refund will be credited to that same credit card. Pledge the Pink Foundation may ask for proof of identity before issuing a refund. You are responsible for any and all tax considerations that may arise if your donation is refunded.

Recurring Donation Change or Stop Policy

To change or stop your recurring donation, please visit when logged in or email us at